Friday, August 22, 2014

Does ROBLOX Care About Exploiters?

The logo of the infamous Cheat Engine.
The ROBLOX community is filled with exploiters. New exploits are made all the time, and the most popular one is Cheat Engine. People do exploits that make them invincible, or speed up their character. But does ROBLOX even care?

Look at rbadam's description. He is an administrator, yet he says, "I never ban someone I see hacking in a game." You could walk up to him with super speed and he wouldn't do a thing. What's that telling us? That exploiting is ok? They don't care about exploiting?

These exploits aren't even new. Some of them have been out for months, even years. While changing your gravity may be somewhat new, increasing your speed isn't new at all. The animation exploit with fiddler was patched (which I don't understand why they focused on that, it didn't harm anyone) yet that wasn't hurting others.

So does ROBLOX care about people exploiting? Tell me what you think in the comments!

Thanks for reading,

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